No sweat?

I have a goal of getting to work with no sweat. Actually my goal is a little lower than that. It is getting to work with no stink. I would also like to get more exercise. Fortunately I can buy something to allegedly do both.

I bought a Trek Verve+ Lowstep e-bike. It has an electric motor assist, so my hopes are to get to work with minimal effort (low-stink) and then get the majority of my exercise on my way home. (George will attest to the reality that I don’t care how much I stink at home.) I plan to ride roads to the nearby state trail and then conveniently ride 2-3 blocks to work.

Yesterday was my maiden voyage from home to the state trail. Today I took a slightly different route to meet the trail, which is 5.2 miles one-way. The one-way trip to work is about 15 miles total.

This bike is a pig. It weighs about 50 pounds.

Today’s ride was sunny, about 60 F, with a 10 mph wind. I wore a long sleeve cotton t-shirt covered with a brilliant yellow long sleeve synthetic t-shirt. I wore nylon wind-pants with a cotton liner on my legs. Medium weight socks and run-of-the-mill shoes. I wore my helmet without a liner. My upper body was comfortable to warm. I appreciated the sleeves when I first started out. Once I got heated up my legs were sticky and too warm.

I need to get in shape first. I am still learning the best ways to use the assist and I do get a good workout even with it. I suspect it will be hard to go slowly enough on the way to work not to break a sweat. Not that I’m that fast, but because I usually want to push myself.

Other notes: Saturday George and I walked the Trailbreaker 5k in a celebration of Anne’s walking. The frogs have started to sing. Yesterday the pair of eagles that like to perch on the top of a dead elm were vocalizing. I spotted the first blooming crocus in my flower bed today.