Did you see that?

One of the few downsides to spending time alone outside is that there isn’t someone to confirm a sighting with.

This fall has been exceedingly mild. It reached 67 degrees Fahrenheit today, November 7, 2021. Between 2000 and 2020, the average high for November 7 was 50.5 F and the average low was 32.0 F.

While I was walking along a hay field, I saw a monarch butterfly, flying low as if it were looking for nectar from the red clover that the monarchs love. It wasn’t close enough to see it’s distinct patterns, but the size, movement, and general color said monarch. It won’t find many, if any, sources of nectar.

There are a few johnny jump-ups blooming in the flower bed and the mulch in the back of the pickup truck. A witch hazel is covered with beautiful yellow blossoms. The northern holly berries are beautiful, but lack nectar.

What did you see today?


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